Residential Assistants in UCD residences did not received consent training this year despite time being put aside in their training schedule for it. According to RA’s who were due to receive the training the reason that it did not go ahead was due to a lack of time.

RA training which takes place over eight days covers a variety of topics including first aid, fire safety and SAFETalk training. The consent training was due to take place on the final day of training, but was pulled without noticed.

In a statement to the Tribune, community liaison officer Aishling Kennedy-Dalton said that ‘RA training included a new section called “Healthy Relationships” delivered by a professional trainer covering topics such as respect, setting personal boundaries, consensual dynamics and practicing self-care,’ however while this was shown in the schedule distributed to the RA’s the UCD Consent initiative was not reported to go ahead according to those due to attend.

The Tribune understand that UCD Students Union is attempted to have the training rescheduled. The Students Union has been contacted for comment.


By Aaron Bowman – CoEditor