UCD will be operating under ‘Level 4’ COVID-19 restrictions, announced the Registrar Mark Rogers. This move will cancel all on-campus activity for this coming week – “unless you are specifically informed that it will occur”.
In an email released to students this past hour, the Registrar states that “online teaching will commence on 21 September as per your timetable”. Where face-to-face tutorials, lectures or labs are scheduled – “your Module Coordinator/School will inform you as to whether these classes will take place online or be deferred until such time as they can take place in a face to face context”. Rogers further stated that “first year orientation will take place online” despite originally plans for it to be a blended approach with students taking part in an on-campus tour alongside peer mentors.
Elements of campus that will remain open include UCD residences, on-campus catering, libraries, study areas and the gym, but it is unclear at this time what additional rules are in place for their safe access and use in accordance with Level 4 restrictions.
Despite signalling that these new restrictions are in place for the “coming week”, the Registrar has stated that “whether your classes take place at distance for the next few weeks or on campus, you will still experience the best education we can offer”. This may suggest Level 4 restrictions will continue past next week and into Semester 1.
Concluding the communication, the Registrar “will be writing to you early next week to update you further on our plans”.
Rowan Kelleher – Assistant News Editor