Professor Dolores Cahill has recently threatened the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) with legal action, over her appearance in a BBC Panorama documentary. The Documentary titled: ‘BBC 1 Panorama: Vaccines and the disinformation war’ aired on February 15th, explored the ways in which misinformation was spread through messaging, protests, and professionals voicing their opposition to the Covid-19 vaccine.
In a statement on Cahills website, the controversial professor claimed, “The program didn’t feature Prof Dolores Cahill after it was made clear to the producers that Prof Cahill is a proponent of vaccines and is in no way anti-vaccine.” Despite this claim, Cahill was briefly featured in a clip on the show.
The clip of Cahill in question was taken from a video that the BBC claim to have found being circulated on WhatsApp.
Dolores Cahill stated she “will take legal action against” the BBC
The BBC description of the segment states the video is titled “’ask the experts’ and it features people with impressive medical and scientific titles based in the UK, US, Spain and Sweden. Some allege, contrary to the evidence, that Covid-19 vaccines are unsafe, that they can alter a person’s DNA – and even that the pandemic is somehow not real.”

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Cahill stated she “will take legal action against” the BBC for implying that she was Anti-Vax in their program. The statement ends claiming “Prof Dolores Cahill has always been anti-bad medicine.”
The BBC contacted all 33 people in the video, one of which being Cahill. The BBC claim “Eleven responded – four defended the video’s contents, five said if we referred to them as anti-vaccine, they’d take legal action, and one made no comment.”
Currently, the BBC have not responded to The College Tribunes inquiry as to whether Cahill has formally threatened legal action against the broadcast giant. Professor Cahill has also yet to respond to the tribune on the matter.
Cahill has recently hit headlines once again for forming the World Freedom Alliance & Freedom Airway, which defies the current lockdown restrictions. The College Tribune has also explored the reputation damages UCD may face for their silence on Dolores Cahill.
Luke Murphy, Co-Editor