Samuel O’Connor, healing a UCD student and member of “UCD Students Against Abortion” has had his request to leave UCD Students’ Union denied by the union.
A meeting of the UCD SU executive this evening found that due to the wording of the Students’ Union constitution, O’Connor would be unable to leave.
The executive interpreted article 3.1 of the constitution as not allowing for disaffiliation. The article states in part:
“The membership of the Union shall be as follows: All persons registered as students with the University….”
UCDSU President Mícheál Gallagher stated that the “SU executive have decided to write to the student saying that the constitution currently does not allow for students to leave (Article 3.1), so until and unless the constitution is amended it is not possible for [his] resignation to be accepted.”
Gallagher did indicate however that there are some constitutional amendments expected alongside SU Executive Elections this coming Spring.
Mr O’Connor told the College Tribune that he is considering legal action against the union. O’Connor said that he feels the decision by the executive was “an act of supreme cowardice and buck-passing.”
Mr O’Connor continued “I am not going to let this flagrant disregard for my Constitutional rights lie… I am prepared and indeed morally compelled to take this fight to the very highest levels.”
When questioned on whether he would call a referendum on the matter he said that he has no intention of doing so and that the current situation is a “mess which the union leadership created and as such is a mess which they can resolve. I have a right to freely associate grounded in the Constitution of Ireland. The Constitution of UCDSU is a matter for union members, and I no longer wish to be a union member.”
Poll: Should students be allowed to leave their students’ union?