In light of Covid-19 disruptions to the college calendar, University Management have made the decision that the previous provisional results period will not be held allowing students to freely repeal their grades in a formal two week window before final results.
The former process has been replaced with a more continuous and direct grade appeal process- meaning that students will appeal grades to their relevant schools as they are announced. Should the student remain dissatisfied at this point, they will go through a similar formal process as before.
UCD Student Union President, Conor Anderson, met with IFUT (the Irish Federation of University Teachers) on Thursday afternoon to discuss the alteration. Anderson reassured concerned students on the ‘UCD No-Detriment Policy’ Facebook group that the change was not major and summarised, “The take-away is that if you are struggling, you need to engage with the Extenuating Circumstances policy now.” He also stated the possibility of an alternative to the usual appeals process, stating “you will still be able to submit an academic appeal for your final results as released in February. However, you won’t have the two weeks in which to ask for revisions, corrections etc.”.
The ambivalent recent change had been subject to controversy and dismay amongst students who claimed that they were being denied the right to the usual appeals process and had not been clearly communicated with in relation to the change. Reacting earlier last week on Facebook, one student posted “[…] It just seems to be another way of making it even more difficult for students to seek appropriate recognition of whatever circumstance surrounding their assessments”.
The change comes shortly after further widespread student disapproval over university management rejecting calls again among students and the Student Union to implement a ‘No Detriment’ policy, in which would entail protection of the grades and GPA’s of students challenged by the circumstances of the pandemic.
Eve Moore – Reporter