All UCD libraries have reopened from Monday 4th January, with the same COVID-19 precautionary measures in place from the autumn trimester. The opening times have not changed, with James Joyce library opening from 8:30 to 20:00, Monday to Friday.
These measures include pre-booking library seats for which have been extended to allow for eight-hour slots. Capacity is still reduced to allow for 2-metre social distancing as well as mandatory face coverings which must be worn for the duration of using the library. Short loan books are available for borrowing for a maximum of seven days, as they were in the autumn trimester.
Teaching spaces remained open during the autumn trimester for students to use as study spaces, with the condition that face coverings were to be worn at all times. UCD has yet to issue official communication as to whether these spaces will be available in the spring trimester, as Ireland operates under Level 5 restrictions.
Mahnoor Choudhry – Deputy News Editor